REKRUTMEDAN.COM - LOWONGAN KERJA MEDAN MEI 2024 - Selamat berjumpa kembali dengan www.rekrutmedan.com sumber informasi lowongan kerja terbaru, terupdate dan terpercaya.

Berikut kami sampaikan informasi Lowongan Kerja dari PT YOFC International Indonesia, PT. YOFC INTERNATIONAL INDONESIA (YII) is a foreign company based in Indonesia which has maincore business in fiber optic cable. YII has set up a fibre cable manufacturing plant with an annual production capacity of 2 million fibre kilometers, which will entitle YII as the biggest optical cable company in Indonesia. YOFC, as the largest manufacturer of optical preform and optical fibre and cable worldwide, is the global No.1 supplier for optical fiber preform, optical fibre and cable, as a result of good reputation and a lot of advanced technologies. YII will make its contribution to the communication industry in Indonesia and ASEAN.

Saat ini kami membuka Lowongan kerja untuk ditempatkan pada posisi berikut.

Posisi :

Cluster Permit PIC FTTH Project (all over indonesia)

Job Description :

  • Maintain permit process with RW/RT/Developer and Subdistrict government until released
  • Handling community and government environmental permits.
  • Maintain good relationships with government (local and provincial level) and other relevant stakeholders.
  • Negotiating permits with the community and government
  • Survey And Design temporary based on the boundary area
  • Solve permit issues if there are implementation Blocking

Qualification :

  • Minimum Bachelor's degrees in any field
  • Having experience of at least 2 years in a telecommunication company handling cluster permit
  • Good negotiation and communication skills
  • Ready to work in all areas in Indonesia (Medan, Padang, Bengkulu, Magelang, Banjarmasin, Samarinda, Manado, Mataram)

Update info loker terbaru :

IG @rekrutmedan1 - FB @Karir Medan - Tiktok @rekrutmedan

Cara Melamar 

Bila Anda berkeinginan dan punya minat bekerja dengan kualifikasi di atas  buat lamaran secara lengkap.

Kirimkan CV terbaru anda : DAFTAR

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