LOWONGAN KERJA TERBARU FEBRUARI 2024 Di PT Paragon Technology and Innovation

REKRUTMEDAN.COM - LOWONGAN KERJA TERBARU FEBRUARI 2024 - Selamat berjumpa kembali dengan www.rekrutmedan.com sumber informasi lowongan kerja terbaru, terupdate dan terpercaya.

Berikut kami sampaikan informasi Lowongan Kerja dari PT Paragon Technology and Innovation, PT Paragon Technology and Innovation bergerak di bidang kosmetik manufaktur dan mendapat sertifikat GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) dengan kapasitas produksi yang besar dan formulasi yang unggul. Dengan pengalaman di bidang kosmetik lebih dari 28 tahun PT PTI telah membawa Wardah Cosmetics sebagai brand lokal dengan penjualan tertinggi di Matahari Dept. Store (Departemen Store terbesar di Indonesia), serta pada tanggal 5 Juli 2012 mendapat Halal Award oleh LPPOM MUI sebagai pionir kosmetik halal. PT PTI juga membawa MAKE OVER sebagai brand terpercaya oleh para Make-Up artis terkemuka. PT PTI terus mengembangkan brand-brand unggulan lainnya, seperti Putri, IX, Vivre, Hair Addict, dan Nusilk.

Saat ini PT Paragon Technology and Innovation kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan Februari 2024 untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan ditempatkan.

Saat ini kami membuka Lowongan kerja untuk ditempatkan pada posisi berikut.

Posisi :


PDP is a Management Trainee Program for fresh graduates to create purposeful intrapreneurs with growth mindset and grit spirit.

Persona of our PDP:

  • Persistent
  • Seeking for new opportunities to create added value
  • Eager to go extra-miles
  • Taking risks
  • Continuous learner
  • Giving greater impact for the greater good


  • Open for Fresh Grads (maximum 27 years old)
  • Maximum 2 years of working experience
  • Willing to be placed all over Indonesia (Commercial)

Available Positions:

  • Commercial
  • Marketing
  • Product Innovation & Development
  • Research & Development
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Logistic & Distribution
  • Finance


1. Marketing – Head Office:

  • Brand: Building the brand strategy to win consumer’s heart by fulfilling consumer needs using creative and innovative approach to strengthen brand equity.
  • Digital Transformation: Leverage brand campaign into social media activities, website & commerce site presence and email campaign, manage monthly editorial calendar plan for all digital asset: instagram, facebook, twitter, website, youtube, and email, brief creative team to develop visual and copy based on agreed editorial calendar, provide competitive insights and conduct social media listening on weekly and monthly basis, identify social content opportunities that can drive higher engagement and conversion to purchase, manage and implement all organic social engagement campaigns across social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube), coordinate with other cross functional departments like brand, commercial, and marketing insights, with output an excellence digital ecosystem campaign implementation.

2. Product Innovation & Development – Head Office:

  • The position will be responsible for developing new products, start from determine ideas, make concepts to launch in achieving customer satisfaction.
  • Aside to the product development, this position also have a role as packaging innovation (preferably from Mechanical; Chemical or Material Engineering) that responsible for planning and executing packaging development initiatives and activities; starting from concepting together with relevant department ; validation to run smoothly in production at packaging manufacturer and packing lines Standard.

3. Commercial – All over Indonesia (Distribution Center):

  • Decoding consumers & market trends and messages of the brands delivered by the Marketing Team and translating them into real actions strategies on the field.
  • Being a business partner for our customers (retailers) to grow through business data analysis, conduct business reviews, make relevant collaboration initiatives, improve retail performance in-store level, etc.
  • Collaborate with Parama Team to ensure that our products are accessible by our consumers through coverage/distribution expansion to potential customers.

4. Research & Development – Plant:

  • Developing new product
  • Improving existing product
  • Preparing for new product launch
  • Investigating problems related to formula
  • Support PID team in preparing Sample Request
  • Creating a report

5. Finance Business Partner – Head Office & Plant:

  • Assist in providing Finance Business Partnering to respective Directorates by translating data into insights into action
  • Ensure basic finance process/operation and basic accounting controls are in place in all Directorates’ processes
  • Ensure operation & control in place related to financial accounting services to the Company and, in particular, to the respective Directorate
  • Controlling the utilization of the company’s financial resources in accordance with existing business processes and supporting company dynamics while maintaining prudence and compliance.

6. Logistic and Distribution – Head Office & Distribution Center:

  • Building strong relationships and collaboration with suppliers.
  • Coordinating with users to understand their needs.
  • Conducting procurement processes.
  • Planning sourcing strategies.
  • Conducting annual tenders.
  • Selecting, evaluating, and auditing suppliers.
  • Implementing improvements to enhance supplier quality.
  • Creating reports on sourcing, suppliers, and events.

7. Supply Chain Management – Plant:

  • Establishing strong relationships and collaboration with suppliers.
  • Coordinating with users to understand their needs.
  • Executing the procurement process.
  • Planning strategies for sourcing.
  • Conducting annual tenders.
  • Conducting selection, evaluation, and audits on suppliers.
  • Implementing improvements to enhance supplier quality.
  • Generating reports on sourcing, suppliers, and events.


Siapa saja yang boleh mendaftar pada rekrutmen Paragon?

Minimal mahasiswa tingkat akhir, fresh graduate, dan yang sudah memiliki pengalaman kerja.

Notes: Wajib BELUM mengikuti proses rekrutmen Paragon dalam 6 bulan kebelakang

Dimana saya akan ditempatkan jika saya diterima menjadi Paragonian?

Lokasi penempatan sudah tercantum di dalam setiap posisi yang ada di Paragon Career Website. Secara garis besar adalah sebagai berikut:

Head Office antara lain Marketing, Product Innovation and Development, Information Technology, Human Resources, Supply Chain Management, Commercial (Shopper and Customer Marketing Management, Key Account Management, Market Development, and Store Development).

Plant antara lain Research and Development, Supply Chain Management (Engineering, Production, Quality Control), Human Resources.

Distribution Center antara lain Logistic & Distribution (Branch Controller), Commercial (Market Development, Customer Development), Human Resources.

Terdapat beberapa direktorat yang memiliki dua atau tiga area penempatan, seperti Human Resources, Commercial, Supply Chain Management.

Bagaimana jika saya diundang untuk mengikuti tes, tetapi tidak dapat hadir offline?

Anda dapat melakukan konfirmasi kehadiran terlebih dulu pada link yang sudah dikirimkan oleh Paragon di dalam undangan tes. Kami akan mereview dan menganalisis alasan ketidakhadiran Anda. Apabila alasan dapat kami terima, maka akan kami jadwalkan di waktu lain sesuai dengan kebijakan Paragon. Informasi terkait perubahan jadwal akan kami infokan kemudian melalui email atau dapat dicek di profil Anda di Paragon Career Website.

Bagaimana dengan masa tunggu yang dimaksud dalam rekrutmen Paragon?

Setiap kandidat yang dinyatakan belum berhasil pada rekrutmen Paragon, maka memiliki masa tunggu, yaitu:

Dinyatakan tidak lolos pada Administration, Online Test, atau Written Test: masa tunggu 6 bulan dari email notifikasi terakhir ketidaklolosan

Dinyatakan tidak lolos pada Interview: masa tunggu 1 tahun dari email notifikasi terakhir ketidaklolosan Anda baru dapat mendaftar kembali di rekrutmen Paragon sesudah masa tunggu selesai.

Bagaimana cara kita mengetahui bahwa lamaran kita tidak lolos ke tahap selanjutnya? Apakah ada info yang dapat dilihat di website career?

Jika Anda gagal di proses seleksi, maka kami akan mengirimkan email notifikasi yang menyebutkan bahwa Anda tidak lolos. Anda bisa memeriksa email (Inbox atau Spam) dan dapat memeriksa profil akun Anda di Career Website.

Update info loker terbaru :

IG @rekrutmedan1 - FB @Karir Medan - Tiktok @rekrutmedan

Cara Melamar 

Bila Anda berkeinginan dan punya minat bekerja dengan kualifikasi di atas  buat lamaran secara lengkap.

Kirimkan CV terbaru anda : 




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