LOWONGAN KERJA MEDAN NOVEMBER 2023 D3/S1 Di SPS Corporate (Group Companies)

REKRUTMEDAN.COM - LOWONGAN KERJA MEDAN NOVEMBER 2023 - Selamat berjumpa kembali dengan www.rekrutmedan.com sumber informasi lowongan kerja terbaru, terupdate dan terpercaya.

Berikut kami sampaikan informasi Lowongan Kerja dari SPS Corporate (Group Companies). SPS Corporate adalah perusahaan yang berkembang pesat dan terdiversifikasi yang mengelola sekelompok perusahaan terkemuka, yang mengkhususkan diri dalam pembuatan kertas, lini pengemasan, layanan energi & teknik, konstruksi & pengembangan properti, dan bisnis perhotelan.

Group of companies:

– PT. Sopanusa Tissue & Packaging Saranasukses

– PT. Sun Paper Source

– PT. Star Paper Supply

– PT. Superior Prima Sukses

– PT. Sinergy Power Source

– PT. Mekabox International

Saat ini kami membuka Lowongan kerja untuk ditempatkan pada posisi berikut.

Posisi :

1. Recruitment Supervisor


  • Master’s of Professional Psychology graduate
  • Able to conduct interviews, do administration and interpret psychological test results
  • Able to prepare reports based on the results of interviews and psychological tests
  • Preferabiy those who have experience in the same field

2. International Marketing Assistant


  • Minimum Bachelor Degree from International Business Major or from all Engineering Major
  • Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
  • Have experience overseas (travel/study/internship)
  • Must befiuent in English both written and oral
  • Fluent in Mandarin (minimum HSK 5) or Japanese (minimum N2) will be prioritized
  • Detail oriented, good with numbers, strong interpersonal skills

3. Internal Auditor Staff


  • Bachelor’s degree from Accounting, Finance, Tax major with min GPA 3.50
  • Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  • Detail-oriented, have integrity, Good communication skill

4. Corporate Receptionist

Kualifikasi :

  • Lulusan Diploma atau Sarjana dari jurusan Sekretari atau jurusan lain yang relevan
  • Berkemampuan interpersonal baik dan berpenampilan rapi
  • Mahir dalarn mengoperasikan Microsoft Office dan memahami manajemen dokumen
  • Teliti, ulet, dan tekun
  • Memiliki pengalaman resepsionis menjadi nilai tambah

5. HR Training Staff


  • Bachelor’s degree from Psychology major with min GPA 3.00
  • Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  • Detail-oriented and good communication skill
  • Preferably have experience in public speaking

6. Legal Staff


  • Bachelor’s of Law
  • Have minimum 2 years work experience as company legal staff/notaries
  • Have understanding in licensing, company law and trade
  • Able to make legal contract drafting, contract review/analysis, legal opinion, and analysis of legal cases
  • Have relations with government agencies related to law, business licensing and trade
  • Honest, has integrity, and has good negotiation skills

Update info loker terbaru :

IG @rekrutmedan1 - FB @Karir Medan - Tiktok @rekrutmedan

Cara Melamar 

Bila Anda berkeinginan dan punya minat bekerja dengan kualifikasi di atas  buat lamaran secara lengkap.

Kirimkan CV terbaru anda : arine.fransisca@spscorporate.com

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