Lowongan Kerja Medan Agustus 2023 Di PT VIVO MOBILE INDONESIA
REKRUTMEDAN.COM - Lowongan Kerja Medan Agustus 2023 - Selamat berjumpa kembali dengan www.rekrutmedan.com sumber informasi lowongan kerja terbaru, terupdate dan terpercaya.
Berikut kami sampaikan informasi Lowongan Kerja dari PT VIVO MOBILE INDONESIA. VIVO adalah sebuah perusahaan elektronika asal Dongguan, Guangdong, Tiongkok. Perusahaan ini memproduksi ponsel pintar, perangkat sandang, dan layanan berbasis digital. Yang telah memiliki banyak cabang di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. PT. VIVO Mobile berkantor pusat di Dongguan, China merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang berfokus pada penelitian dan pengembangan, manufaktur dan penjualan smartphone di China. VIVO telah memiliki lebih dari 30.000 karyawan, lebih dari 200.000 outlet penjualan, dengan penjualan tahunan llebih dari 60 juta ponsel. Pada tahun 2013, Vivo mulai memasuki pasar internasional dan telah mendirikan kantor cabang di India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Filipina, dan negara-negara lain.
Saat ini PT VIVO Mobile Indonesia kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan Agustus 2023. Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang saat ini tersedia bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir Anda bersama PT VIVO Mobile Indonesia dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut.
Posisi :
vTrainee Program Class of 2023
v-Trainee is a designated program for high-achieving young talents, it is held by one of the fastest-growing smartphone companies in Indonesia, vivo Mobile Indonesia. The aim of this #FreshGraduateProgram is to create more opportunities for new graduates from different fields to prepare themselves to be #FutureLeaders.
- Minimum of Bachelor’s Degree with minimum GPA 3.25/ 4.00
- Fresh graduate or maximum of 1-year working experience.
- Fluent in English both written & verbal. (ability in the Chinese language is a plus point).
- Communicative, creative, and collaborative.
- Tech-savvy and has an interest in high technology industries.
- Leadership in organization, internship, scholarship, achievements/ awards, and/or other international exposure experience will be a great advantage.
- Ready for challenges and willing to be assigned to all areas across Indonesia.
What department will you be joining?
1. Responsibilities – E-Commerce
- Manage and plan marketing and project strategies.
- In charge of a specific platform, managing the end-to-end business process.
- Become the PIC between the external party, internal departments, and internal divisions.
- Order processing, resolving internal and external issues, and would be responsible for department matters.
2. Responsibilities – GTM
- Managing a project life cycle of vivo product.
- Controlling the project timeline.
- Identifying and managing risks/changes.
- Doing the QA review and maintaining clear communication across multiple teams and stakeholders.
- Product planning, determines market landscape, and competitiveness initiative.
- Monitors and maintains the plan and tracks the sales performance, conducts product evaluation, and continuously works on product improvement.
3. Responsibilities – Retail Management
- Responsible to provide service excellence in our official offline store, by creating guidelines for agents for daily SOP, new store expansion, store layout & inventory management.
- Manage vivo’s promoters to improve overall promoters’ capabilities, ensuring the implementation of promoters’ guidelines, setting KPIs for promoters, and monitoring their performance.
- Train vivo’s internal team to have a comprehensive understanding of our new products and to gain additional sales skills.
Application Deadline August 20th, 2023
Update info loker terbaru :
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