Lowongan Kerja Medan Agustus 2022 SMA/SEDERAJAT Di PT Harta Ban Indonesia

REKRUTMEDAN.COM - Lowongan Kerja Medan Agustus 2022 - Selamat berjumpa kembali dengan www.rekrutmedan.com sumber informasi lowongan kerja terbaru, terupdate dan terpercaya.

Berikut kami sampaikan informasi Lowongan Kerja dari PT Harta Ban Indonesia. Harta Ban is a growing company engaged in the distribution of tires. We distribute the best quality tires for various types of industries either large nor small scala throughout Indonesia. Established since 1998 until now Harta Ban always give priority to quality tyres as well as good and fast service. That is why we only distribute quality tires that have been reconigzed reliability and strength and well used by many consumers. Tires is one of the most important components in transport so that all development activities can run effectively and smoothly. Supported by the integrated systems and potential and experienced human resources Harta Ban more established in increasing its existence in the business world.

Harta Ban has a desire to be great with serving. As a tires distribution company, our main service is to always maintain the smoothness of distibution. both for the area that is easily accessible until the inaccessible areas. Because for Harta Ban to meet every need of tire is a pride.

Saat ini kami PT Harta Ban Indonesia membuka lowongan tenaga kerja untuk posisi sebagai berikut:

Posisi :



  • Usia maksimal 25 tahun.
  • Pendidikan minimal SLTA semua jurusan.
  • Pengalaman bekerja min 1 tahun
  • Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan, loyalitas, dan dapat bekerjasama didalam team dan antar team.
  • Jujur, sehat jasmani dan rohani
  • Memiliki SIM A
  • Bersedia dinas
  • Bersedia lembur

Tangung Jawab Pekerjaan:

  • Menjaga kebersihan kendaraan
  • Merawat dan menjaga kendaraan
  • Mengantarkan ke tempat tujuan dengan selamat.

Update info loker terbaru di IG @rekrutmedan1 dan FB Karir Medan

Cara Melamar 

Bila Anda berkeinginan dan punya minat bekerja dengan kualifikasi di atas  buat lamaran secara lengkap.

Silakan kirim berkas lamaran anda  : DAFTAR

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