Lowongan Kerja Medan September 2020 (D3-S1) - Traveloka

rekrutmedan.com - Lowongan Kerja Medan September 2020 - Persaingan dalam mencari pekerjaan terus meningkat dan semakin sulit. Tak sedikit para pelamar kerja yang memiliki kompetensi tinggi dan berpengalaman jarang mendapatkan panggilan kerja dari perusahaan incarannya. Susahnya mencari pekerjaan tak hanya dialami oleh para mahasiswa yang baru lulus, tetapi juga para profesional yang telah memiliki pengalaman. Namun, kondisi ini tak berarti membuat  anda jadi putus asa sampai dengan kehilangan harga diri. Menurut Liz Ryan, HR Manager dan penulis buku Reinvention Roadmap: Break the Rules to Get the Job You Want and Career You Deserve, perusahaan dan manajer rekrutmen bisa mengidentifikasikan kandidat yang terlihat putus asa saat melakukan wawancara kerja. Sikap tersebut, sebut Ryan, justru membuat perusahaan semakin tidak yakin untuk mempekerjakan Anda. Menurut dia, rasa putus asa yang melunturkan harga diri seseorang dalam mencari kerja menciptakan rasa tidak peduli pada jenis pekerjaan yang ditawarkan. Jadi, asal dapat kerja saja. "Energi putus asa seperti itu bisa terlihat oleh orang lain sehingga mereka juga merasakan gelombang negatif dari diri Anda," jelas Ryan. Memang benar kebanyakan orang merasa terbebani untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan baru, apalagi jika sudah tidak merasa kerasan di kantor lama. Kondisi ini pun membuat alam pikiran Anda berada dalam fase stres dan penuh tekanan. Sinyal putus asa pada kandidat karyawan saat wawancara kerja. Anda menghabiskan banyak waktu dan energi untuk mencari kerja sepanjang hari. Lalu, Anda pun berlebihan dalam melakukan persiapan dengan tujuan ingin terlihat sempurna tanpa memedulikan apakah pekerjaan dan perusahaan yang mengundang wawancara tepat untuk Anda. Anda terlalu bersemangat dan ekstra percaya diri kala wawancara kerja. Bahkan, Anda memberitahukan kepada pewawancara informasi dan rahasia perusahaan tempat Anda bekerja. Selain itu, Anda pun bersedia menjawab pertanyaan yang tidak pantas dan ilegal. Anda merasa gelisah dan cemas usai wawancara kerja. Anda tak bisa mengingat pertanyaan yang diajukan. Sebab, hal yang Anda ingat adalah jawaban-jawaban yang Anda berikan. Lalu, Anda pun merasa jawaban tersebut kurang tepat dan tidak sempurna. Setiap kali Anda melihat lowongan kerja baru, hal pertama yang terlintas dalam benak Anda, "Apakah mereka akan menerimaku bekerja?". Usai wawancara kerja, Anda bersedih menunggu respon lanjutan dari perusahaan. Bahkan, Anda memiliki niat ingin menghubungi mereka untuk menawarkan bekerja gratis selama satu atau dua minggu pertama. Selain karyawan yang telah berpengalaman, kata Ryan, rasa putus asa juga banyak terjadi pada fresh graduate atau mahasiswa baru lulus. Persaingan mencari kerja untuk fresh graduate semakin ketat dari waktu ke waktu. Menurut Association of American Colleges and Universities, kebanyakan perusahaan ragu-ragu untuk menerima fresh graduate karena belum memiliki kemampuan, seperti misalnya, komunikasi profesional dan pikiran yang kritis. Kemampuan tersebut adalah dua hal yang tidak diajarkan secara akademis dan hanya terbentuk lewat pengalaman. Jadi, fresh graduate harus berusaha dua kali lebih keras untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan. Minimnya pengalaman kerja akhirnya membuat perusahaan memilih untuk mempekerjakan karyawan yang telah berpengalaman, meskipun posisi yang ditawarkan posisi pemula. Hasil survei yang dilakukan oleh Job Application Center juga mengungkapkan informasi serupa mengenai kesulitan fresh graduate dalam mendapatkan pekerjaan pertama. Sebanyak 91 persen responden milenial mengaku bahwa mereka kesulitan mendapatkan pekerjaan usai lulus kuliah. Lalu, survei mengungkapkan, 41 persen milenial memiliki ekspektasi untuk bisa mempertahankan pekerjaan lebih kurang dua tahun. Terakhir, survei juga menyimpulkan, satu dari tiga partisipan milenial yang telah mendapatkan kerja merasa tidak percaya diri bahwa perusahaan puas dengan kinerja dan loyalitas mereka.

Selamat berjumpa kembali dengan www.rekrutmedan.com sumber informasi lowongan kerja terbaru, terupdate dan terpercaya.

Selanjutnya kami sampaikan informasi lowongan kerja dari Traveloka. Traveloka adalah perusahaan yang menyediakan layanan pemesanan tiket pesawat dan hotel secara daring dengan fokus perjalanan domestik di Indonesia. Didirikan pada tahun 2012 oleh Ferry Unardi, Derianto Kusuma, dan Albert Zhang. Traveloka yang merupakan salah satu perusahaan rintisan (startup) berstatus unicorn asal Indonesia ini mengembangkan layanannya pada pemesanan tiket kereta api, bus, penyewaan mobil, hingga aktivitas wisata. Sejak tahun 2015, Traveloka mulai berekspansi ke sejumlah negara di Asia Tenggara seperti Singapura, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, dan Filipina.

Saat ini PT Trinusa Travelindo (Traveloka) membuka lowongan sebagai berikut :

A. Business Strategy

1. Fraud Investigator


  • Having experience and knowledge in fraud management, preferably from financial technology industry
  • Having experience in conducting field investigation and handling walk-in customer
  • Familiar with Microsoft Excel
  • Good interpersonal and investigative skills
  • Willing to do field work

2. Marketing Admin


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting will be preferred
  • Good communication skills in English
  • Good understanding on Excel and computer program literate
  • Have knowledge of XML database management system and SQL
  • Have an eye for detail and accuracy
  • Strong analytical and organizational skills
  • Able to work well in a fast-paced environment and under tight deadlines

3. Senior Recruiter


  • Minimum 5+ years of recruiting experience in a recruitment agency or a fast-growing company
  • Deep understanding of end to end recruitment process
  • Good stakeholder management along with relationship building skills
  • Strong knowledge of candidates selection methods and sourcing tools
  • Good business acumen and market insight
  • Effective negotiation, influencing and communication skills
  • High integrity and confidentiality

B. Customer Care

4. Collection Supervisor


  • Experienced in collection in similar position for more than 2 years especially in consumer/unsecured loans.
  • Experience in managing team and ensuring the day to day operational collection activities run smoothly
  • A hands on and persistent collections experts and also familiar with collection strategy
  • Able to communicate well by telephone (for Desk Officer) and face to face directly (for Field Officer)
  • Able to deal positively and professionally in difficult situations with customers that may arise
  • Strong negotiation skills with the ability to reach appropriate solutions on challenging cases

5. Product Configuration Specialist


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Information System, Information Technology, Engineering, or related field
  • Strong logical thinking and problem solving capability
  • Fluency in written and conversational English are essential
  • Familiarity with HTML and JavaScript
  • Attention to detail especially for doing documentation
  • Self-driven in managing and accomplishing projects under tight deadlines and be able to work in a high demanding environment with minimum supervision

C. Data & Analytics

6. Data Analyst


  • 2+ years of Data analytics experience with big data exposure and SQL
  • Experience using one or more Python and/or R programming languages
  • Experience with data and trends analysis, statistics and business insights.
  • Experience with statistical analysis and data mining
  • Experience with AB tests is a plus

7. Engineering Lead – Marketing Technology


  • Experience in managing a team of engineers (at least 3 years), with at least 5 years hands-on or practical experience in delivering high quality systems as a software engineer in several areas such as backend system, data-pipeline, etc.
  • Strong engineering backgrounds preferably from computer science, mathematics, software engineering, or other quantitative backgrounds.
  • Proficiency in at least one programming language such as Java, Kotlin, Python
  • Proficiency with git, CI/CD, software testing, and deployment automation
  • Good knowledge of SQL, NoSQL and databases
  • Understand the impact of your technical decisions to the people who use your product
  • Knows how to navigate your way around AWS or Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a plus

8. Lead Software Engineer


  • Strong engineering backgrounds preferably from computer science, mathematics, software engineering, or other quantitative backgrounds, with an interest in Machine Learning.
  • Proficiency in at least one programming language such as Go, Python, Java, Kotlin.
  • Proficiency with git, CI/CD, and deployment automation
  • Good knowledge of SQL, NoSQL and databases
  • Understand the impact of your technical decisions to the people who use your product
  • Knows how to navigate your way around Google Cloud Platform is a plus

9. Lead Software Engineer – Financial Services


  • Strong engineering backgrounds preferably from computer science, mathematics, software engineering, or other quantitative backgrounds, with an interest in Machine Learning
  • Proficiency in Python
  • Proficiency with git, CI/CD, and deployment automation
  • Good knowledge of SQL, NoSQL and databases
  • Understand the impact of your technical decisions to the people who use your product
  • Knows how to navigate your way around Google Cloud Platform is a plus

10. Senior Data Analyst


  • More than 4 years of Data analytics experience with big data exposure and SQL
  • Experience using one or more Python and/or R programming languages
  • Experience with data and trends analysis, statistics, program evaluations, forecasting, and business insights.
  • Experience with statistical analysis, regression modeling, data mining, and demand modeling
  • Experience with AB tests is a plus

11. Software Engineer – Financial Services


  • Strong engineering backgrounds preferably from computer science, mathematics, software engineering, or other quantitative backgrounds, with an interest in Machine Learning
  • Proficiency in Python
  • Proficiency with git, CI/CD, and deployment automation
  • Good knowledge of SQL, NoSQL and databases
  • Understand the impact of your technical decisions to the people who use your product
  • Knows how to navigate your way around Google Cloud Platform is a plus

12. Software Engineer – Marketing Technology


  • Experience in designing and developing REST and gRPC APIs
  • Strong engineering backgrounds preferably from computer science, mathematics, software engineering, or other quantitative backgrounds
  • Proficiency in at least one programming language such as Java, Kotlin, Python
  • Proficiency with git, CI/CD, software testing and deployment automation
  • Good knowledge of SQL, NoSQL and databases
  • Understand the impact of your technical decisions to the people who use your product
  • Knows how to navigate your way around AWS or Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a plus

D. Design

13. Copywriter


  • Between 3–5 years overall work experience as a hands-on Writer in the industry with education background from Creative Writing, Journalism, Marketing & Communication, or any other relevant disciplines; or Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Science, Design, or other related field, with equivalent practical design experience
  • Portfolio that showcases copywriting craft with some level of understanding of the Human Centered Design methodology, willingness to learn and iterate, and passionate about design and storytelling
  • Experience working with web or mobile based products and services, and producing copies for digital product and/or content and/or marketing communications
  • Excellent in Indonesian and English communications (both verbal and written)
  • A deep sense of accountability, adaptability, and embracing ambiguity working collaboratively in a fast-paced environment
  • Experienced in performing in a multidisciplinary design, business, and tech team
  • Understanding of the eCommerce and/or digital travel and lifestyle industries, extra points for having successfully deliver products in/for the SE Asia and/or regional markets
  • Ability to form consensus across a broad, fast-moving organization through excellent communication and interpersonal skills

14. Design Operations Coordinator


  • Between 1–4 years of total work experience in an operational role, with a minimum of 1 year of experience working in either in design, research, or technology environment
  • Evidence of SOP creation and implementation, budgeting and bookkeeping, and involved in legal document review process (such as preparing contracts for vendors)
  • Obsessed with creating environments that motivate and inspire people to do their best work productively, by being relentlessly user-focused
  • Keen eye for details and of organised nature, highly motivated to problem solve, and the ability to calculate potential risks while anticipating unintended consequences
  • The ability to recognizing the right balance between not enough process (chaos) and too much (bureaucracy), including optimizing between speed, quality, and cost
  • Skilled in forming consensus across a broad, fast-moving organization through excellent communication and interpersonal skills (including: negotiation, constructive feedback, presentation, managing expectations)
  • A deep sense of accountability, adaptability, and embracing ambiguity working in a fast-paced environment
  • Mid to high competency working with web/mobile based technologies (e.g., Google apps (such as Docs, Sheets, Slides), Asana, Jira, Miro, 10,000ft and/or other design tools) and Microsoft Office
  • Fluency in Indonesian and English communications (both verbal and written)

15. Interaction Designer


  • Between 1–5 years overall work experience as a hands-on Designer in the industry (education background could range from Visual Communication Design, Interaction Design, Product Design, Service Design, or any other relevant Digital Design disciplines; or Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Science, or other related field, with equivalent practical design experience)
  • Portfolio that showcases interaction design craft (and its application of interaction design principles) with some level of understanding of the Human Centered Design methodology (along with its methods and tools), willingness to learn and iterate, and passionate about design and storytelling
  • Experience working with web or mobile based technologies using design and prototyping tools (such as Sketch, Adobe Creative Cloud, Balsamiq, Zeplin, ProtoPie, Miro, etc.)
  • Fluency in English communications (both verbal and written)
  • A deep sense of accountability, adaptability, and embracing ambiguity working collaboratively in a fast-paced environment

16. Senior Design Lead


  • Overall 7~9 years of total work experience in the design domain, with at least 2 years of project management, or in a leadership position with a history of strong project management skills, well-versed in data-informed product design and development
  • Minimum 4 years as a hands-on Designer (education background could range from Visual Communication Design, UI/Interaction Design, Product Design, or any other relevant Design disciplines)
  • Portfolio that showcases design craft with deep understanding of the Human Centered Design methodology (along with its methods and tools), willingness to learn and iterate, and passion for design and storytelling
  • A track record of mentoring high-performing interdisciplinary design teams
  • Ability to form consensus across a broad, fast-moving organization through effective communication and interpersonal skills (including: negotiation, constructive feedback, presentation, managing expectations)
  • Keen eye for details and of organised nature, highly motivated to problem solve, and the ability to calculate potential risks while anticipating unintended consequences
  • Possess maturity in thinking big picture and combined with a deep sense of accountability, adaptability, and embracing ambiguity working in a fast-paced environment
  • Fluency in English communications (both verbal and written)
  • Familiarity in using design systems and any other digital design, prototyping, and/or resource & project management tools
  • Deep understanding of the eCommerce and/or digital travel and lifestyle industries, extra points for having successfully deliver products in/for the SE Asia and/or regional markets

17. Visual Designer


  • Between 3-5 years overall work experience as a hands-on Designer in the industry (education background could range from Visual Communication Design, Interaction Design, Product Design, Service Design, or any other relevant Digital Design disciplines; or Human-Computer
  • Interaction, Computer Science, or other related field, with equivalent practical design experience).
  • Portfolio that showcases visual design craft (and its application of visual communication design principles) with some level of understanding of the Human Centered Design methodology (along with its methods and tools), willingness to learn and iterate, and passionate about design and storytelling.
  • Experience working with web or mobile based technologies using design and prototyping tools (such as Sketch, Adobe Creative Cloud, Balsamiq, Zeplin, ProtoPie, Miro, etc.)
  • Fluency in English communications (both verbal and written).
  • A deep sense of accountability, adaptability, and embracing ambiguity working collaboratively in a fast-paced environment.

E. Finance

18. Consolidation and Reporting Assistant Manager


  • Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from reputable university
  • At least 6 years of experience with at least 3 years exposure in consolidation area, CPA/CA is a plus
  • Good knowledge in IFRS and Indonesian GAAP (Big 4 firm experience is a plus)
  • Understanding of intercompany and foreign currency translations
  • Understanding of goodwill and accounting for acquisition
  • Fast learner, detail oriented and accurate
  • Able to work independently with minimum supervision with ability to meet assigned deadlines
  • Desire to work in a fast-paced, rapidly changing environment
  • Ability to effectively supervise, direct, monitor and coach team members
  • Effective communication in English
  • Have a good knowledge in using Oracle EBS

F. Marketing & Communication

19. Senior Social Media Specialist


  • Minimum 2+ years of experience in communications, online community management or social media marketing at companies where social media is prominent
  • Deep understanding of local and regional culture, trends, social media channels, and personalities
  • Proven record of creativity and innovation in the social media space with quantifiable results
  • Expert in Instagram and TikTok
  • Experience in managing multiple concurrent projects with high integrity and sense of ownership
  • Experience working cross-functionally with an array of internal & external teams
  • Effective time management skills with an eye for detail
  • Excellent stakeholders management skills
  • Flexible and independent, with the ability to excel in a fast-paced environment
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills in English and Bahasa
  • Process-oriented. Able to invent and simplify process to drive most optimum gain
  • Having a bachelor degree in public communication, creative content, story writing is a plus

G. Product

20. Payment Operation Analyst


  • Bachelor’s degree from a reputable university. Majoring in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Telecommunication or IT related major
  • Proven analytical & problem-solving skills, with good attention to detail, high level of curiosity, and structured-thinking process
  • A discipline & reliable team player
  • Ability to communicate in English, both written and verbally
  • Ability to arrange personal flexible working hours and take part in a scheduled on-call stand by
  • Ability to work calmly and effectively in a high-pressure situation
  • Familiarity with software development process is a plus

H. Technology

21. Business Analyst (Corporate Technology)


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Information System, and Computer Engineering will be preferred
  • Passion in software engineering, system analysis or business analysis with at least four years of experience in these fields
  • Strong analytical skills and having the drive to be well-organized
  • Strong sense of responsibility and good teamwork and communication skills

22. Engineering Lead – Corporate Technology


  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or equivalent from a reputable university with good academic results is preferred.
  • Strong software engineering skills (5+ years) in Java/NodeJS, HA/scalable web applications involving extensive design and coding.
  • Extensive experience in RDBMS like PostgreSQL/MySQL and NoSQL databases like MongoDB/Redis.
  • Experience in version control (Git/SVN/Mercurial) and familiarity with development collaboration tools (GitHub/Phabricator/BitBucket).
  • Experience in CI/CD like Jenkins/Travis CI/TeamCity and related technologies is a plus.
  • Experience in AWS/GCP/Azure and other technologies like Ansible, Containers, Kubernetes etc is a plus.
  • Strong object-oriented analysis and design skills.
  • Passion in software engineering, application development, or systems development.
  • Good business acumen, excellent problem skills and broad understanding of software and system design.
  • Comfortable working up and down the technology stack.
  • Curiosity to explore creative solutions and try new things to solve challenging problems to pull it all together into a user accepted solution.
  • Participation in multiple end-to-end implementations of system integration, data migration, internal business applications, or configuring vendor-provided solutions.
  • Excellent interpersonal, communication, and influence skills and personal maturity.
  • Strong technical leadership.

23. Front End Lead


  • > 6 years of experience of Product Development for Mobile App and at least 3 years of experience in leading a team.
  • Coming from a Mobile App background and have strong knowledge and experience in mobile development for Android or iOS;
  • having work on both is definitely a plus. Knowledge in web development is also a plus.
  • Actively hands-on and involved in implementation/coding is a must as you need to spend your 60-80% in product implementation.
  • Experience in automation tests for Mobile apps is a plus.
  • Passion in mobile software engineering and mobile products
  • Excellent understanding of software engineering and mobile application concepts, design patterns, and algorithms.
  • Excellent leadership skills in technical, interpersonal, communication, and influence skills.
  • Passion in leading teams and growing people
  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or equivalent from a reputable university.

24. Quality Assurance


  • Good understanding of software engineering concepts
  • Ability to analyze and decompose complex software or product and design test plan
  • Excellent coding and scripting skills (for example Java, Groovy, Python)
  • Bachelors’ degree in Computer Science or related field or equivalent practical experience.

25. Quality Assurance (Accommodation)


  • Good understanding of software engineering concepts
  • Ability to analyze and decompose complex software or product and design test plan
  • Excellent coding and scripting skills (for example Java, Groovy, Python)
  • Bachelors’ degree in Computer Science or related field or equivalent practical experience.

26. Software Engineer (Backend) – Flight


  • Having minimum 3 years of experience in software engineering, application development or system development
  • Passion in software engineering, application development, or systems development
  • Excellent understanding of software engineering concepts, design patterns, and algorithms
  • Comfortable working up and down the technology stack
  • Curiosity to explore creative solutions and try new things
  • Bachelors’ degree in Computer Science or equivalent from a reputable university

27. Software Engineering Lead


  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or equivalent from a reputable university with good academic results is preferred.
  • Strong software engineering skills (5+ years) in Java/NodeJS, HA/scalable web applications involving extensive design and coding.
  • Extensive experience in RDBMS like PostgreSQL/MySQL and NoSQL databases like MongoDB/Redis.
  • Experience in version control (Git/SVN/Mercurial) and familiarity with development collaboration tools (GitHub/Phabricator/BitBucket).
  • Experience in CI/CD like Jenkins/Travis CI/TeamCity and related technologies is a plus.
  • Experience in AWS/GCP/Azure and other technologies like Ansible, Containers, Kubernetes etc is a plus.
  • Strong object-oriented analysis and design skills.
  • Passion in software engineering, application development, or systems development.
  • Good business acumen, excellent problem skills and broad understanding of software and system design.
  • Comfortable working up and down the technology stack.
  • Curiosity to explore creative solutions and try new things to solve challenging problems to pull it all together into a user accepted solution.
  • Participation in multiple end-to-end implementations of system integration, data migration, internal business applications, or configuring vendor-provided solutions.
  • Excellent interpersonal, communication, and influence skills and personal maturity.
  • Strong technical leadership.

28. Software Engineering Manager


  • Bachelor/master degree in computer science or equivalent from a reputable university with academic results is preferred
  • Should have more than 9 years of experience, out of which 2-3 years as architect or technical manager
  • Strong leadership skills
  • Strong technology skills and hands on experience in architecting, designing and developing complex micro services for functionality, scale, reliability, security etc
  • Full stack experience including web, mobile apps and back end development
  • Strong knowledge of back end technologies based on Java, nosql, RDBMS, Caching tools etc. well aware of frameworks like spring boot and quick learner of new technologies
  • Experience in version control (Git/SVN) and familiarity with development collaboration tools (GitHub/Phabricator/BitBucket)
  • Experience in CI/CD like Jenkins/Travis CI/TeamCity and related technology is a plus
  • Experience in AWS/GCP/Azure and other technologies like Ansible, Containers, Kubernetes etc is a plus
  • Strong object-oriented analysis and design skills
  • Well aware of engineering processes, implement them and adapt as required
  • Strong project management and risk mitigation skills
  • Proven ability to juggle multiple, competing priorities simultaneously and make things happen in a fast-paced, dynamic environment
  • Proven track record to grow the team
  • Passion in software engineering, application and platform development, or system development
  • Good business acumen, excellent problem skills and broad understanding of software and system design.
  • Comfortable working up and down the technology stack
  • Curiosity to explore creative solutions and try new things to solve challenging problems to pull it all together into a user accepted solution
  • Participation in multiple end-to-end implementations of system integration, data migration, internal business application or configuring vendor-provided solution
  • Excellent interpersonal, communication, and influence skills and personal maturity

29. Software Engineer – Paylater


  • Having minimum 3 years of experience in software engineering, application development or system development
  • Passion in software engineering, application development, or systems development
  • Excellent understanding of software engineering concepts, design patterns, and algorithms
  • Comfortable working up and down the technology stack
  • Curiosity to explore creative solutions and try new things
  • Bachelors’ degree in Computer Science or equivalent from a reputable university
  • Tech stack (must have)
  • Programming experience: Java, kotlin
  • Database/datastore experience: RDBMS (e,g., Postgresql), basic SQL, cache store (e.g., redis, memcached)
  • Microservice
  • Experience working on the Cloud
  • AWS stack: rds, sns/sqs, redis/memcached, ec2, codebuild
  • Jenkins

30. Software Engineer – Web (Ground Transport)


  • Bachelors’ degree in Computer Science or equivalent from a reputable university
  • Having minimal 3 years of experience in software engineering, application development, or system development
  • Prior experiences with HTML5, CSS3, and Cross Browser Compatibilities & API, Javascript ES6 + Typescript, React + React
  • Native Web for View Components & Styling, Redux, Hooks and Context for State Management, Nodejs, Nextjs & Webpack for SSR, Bundle, and Compiler, Jest for Unit Test.
  • Experience in mentoring is a plus
  • Excellent understanding of software engineering concepts, design patterns, and algorithms
  • Comfortable working up and down the technology stack
  • Curiosity to explore creative solutions and try new things

Bila Anda berkeinginan dan punya minat bekerja dengan kualifikasi di atas silakan buat lamaran secara lengkap daftar online : DI SINI

Semua proses seleksi tidak dipungut biaya apapun, hanya kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diproses selanjutnya. Demikian informasi lowongan ini kami sampaikan terima kasih dan semoga bermanfaat.

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